What is it: It's a drawing of myself and the things I like.
Who made it: Laura van Houdt T2A.
Where did I made it: At school (ZSC)
When did I made it: In the first few art lessons of this year.
What was my mark: The teacher gave me a 7,5.
My opinion: I think it's nice with all the shadows.
Xx. Laura Junior (van Houdt)
woensdag 26 september 2012
What is it: It's a poster.
Who made it: Laura van Houdt T2A.
Where did I made it: At school (ZSC)
When did I made it: In the first art lessons of this year.
What was my mark: The teacher gave me a 7,5.
My opinion: I think the shadows in the letters: MOVES are good.
Xx. Laura Junior (van Houdt)
Who made it: Laura van Houdt T2A.
Where did I made it: At school (ZSC)
When did I made it: In the first art lessons of this year.
What was my mark: The teacher gave me a 7,5.
My opinion: I think the shadows in the letters: MOVES are good.
Xx. Laura Junior (van Houdt)
maandag 11 juni 2012
What is it: It's a drawing of a city-scape.
Who made it: I made it (Laura van Houdt B1K).
Where do I made it: On school (ZSC) in the B02.
When do I made it: I worked on it in may and june.
What is my opinion: I think the building in the middle is very good.
What was my mark: I had a 7,5 for it.
xx Laura Juniorr ;D
maandag 16 april 2012
What is it: It's a drawing of a landscape.
Who made it: Laura van Houdt B1K
Which mark did the teacher give: a 7
Where is it made: At school (ZSC) in classroom B02
My opinion: I like the cactus in the front and the blue sky and I'm also happy with my mark
Who made it: Laura van Houdt B1K
Which mark did the teacher give: a 7
Where is it made: At school (ZSC) in classroom B02
My opinion: I like the cactus in the front and the blue sky and I'm also happy with my mark
dinsdag 27 maart 2012
Who made it?: Laura van Houdt (B1K)
Where is this made?: at the ZSC in classroom B02
What is it?: it's a sandwich with cucumber, tomatoes, chees and lettuce.
Which mark did the teacher give?: She gives me a seven.
What is my opinion about it?: I like my sandwich, because it's almost the same as my printed sandwich (it must look like the printed sanwich), so I think I did very well.
zondag 25 maart 2012
Colour mixing sheet + Johannes Itten
Biography of Johannes Itten: He was born in Switserland in the city: Sudern-Linden on the 11th of November in 1888 and he died on the 27th of May in 1967. He died when he was 78 years old. In his life he studied at the Bern-Hofwil Acedemy where he learned to be a good painter. Later he was a master at the school: Bauhaus, there he learned students to paint very well.
Colour Theory of Johannes Itten: Johannes Itten invented a colour theory called the colour wheel. The colour wheel was a wheel with all colours in it. The primary colours (yellow, blue and red) where in the middle in a kind of triangle (see picture). The secondary colours (orange, green and purple) were around the primary colours in a kind of triangles but than the triangles have longer sides. (see picture) and around the primary and secondary colours are the tertiary colours (Yellowish-green, yellowish-orange, redish-orange, redish-purple, bluish-green and bluish-purple) than you have the colour wheel.
Here is a picture of a colour wheel:
maandag 30 januari 2012
Banknotes patterns
What is it? It are two banknotes made of ink and there are a lot of patterns in it.
Who made it? I made it by myself my name is Laura van Houdt.
When is it made? It is made in Januari 2012.
Where is it made? It is made in class, the teacher is Ms Cleijne.
Who made it? I made it by myself my name is Laura van Houdt.
When is it made? It is made in Januari 2012.
Where is it made? It is made in class, the teacher is Ms Cleijne.
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