zondag 8 december 2013


Who made it? - Laura van Houdt
What is it? - It's a collage of pictures that show things you love and tell something about you.
Why is it made? - It was an assignment of my art teacher.
Where is it made? - It's made at school (ZSC).
What is my mark? - My mark is a 7.5
When is it made? - Fall 2013.
How is it made? - By cutting pictures out of magazines and than paste them on a sheet of paper (a coloured one). I chose to put another paper behind it to make it a bit more original and colourful
My opinion? - I think it looks good, because of all the pictures overlapping and the two coloured sheets                                pasted on top of each other

                                                                     xoxo Laura

zondag 1 december 2013

Book cover

Who made it? Laura van Houdt (me)
Where is it made? At school (art class)
When is it made? At the beginning of the schoolyear
What is it? A book cover designed by me
Why is it made? It was an assignment from our art teacher.

Xoxo Laura


Who made it? Laura van Houdt (me)
Where is it made? At school (art class)
When is it made? At the beginning of the schoolyear
What is it? Two painted selfportraits
Why is it made? It was an assignment from our art teacher.

Xoxo Laura

vrijdag 29 maart 2013

Impressionism landscape.

                    Who made it:  Laura van Houdt (T2A)
                    Where is it made: At school (ZSC) in art class.
                    When is it made: During art class.
                    Why is it made: It was an assignment from the teacher so we had to make this.
                    What was my mark: I had a 7 for it.
                    What do I think about it: I think it's nice with the white edge around it, you can't see that very 
                                                          good on the picture, but it is there.
                                                    THE END.
                                                                                   x Laura J.

woensdag 23 januari 2013


What is it: a drawing of a bike.
Who made it: Laura van Houdt (T2A)
Where is it made: At my school (ZSC)
When is it made: In the art lessons.
Mark: 6
My opinion: I think it's nice.

maandag 7 januari 2013

Prints of Pigs.

What is it:                          It's a print of a pig made with paint.
Who made it:                     Laura van Houdt (T2A) (Me)
Where:                              At school in the art lessons. (ZSC)
When:                               In 2012.
Mark:                                6.4
My opinion:                       I think my first one is still the best one, also because it's the nicest colour.
                                                             xo Laura.


What is it:                           It's a drawing of a shoe.
Who made it:                      Laura van Houdt (T2A) (Me)
Where:                               At school. (ZSC)
When:                                In 2012.
Mark:                                 7.3
My opinion:                        I think the colours in the shoe are good, it makes the shoe jump out of the paper.